Java Sound Resources: Contact: Authors

The Java Sound Resources are programmed, collected and presented by Florian Bomers and Matthias Pfisterer. Contact them

Florian and Matthias

Florian (left) and Matthias (right) on a street fair in San Francisco, june 2000

Florian Bomers started programming in 1985. During his studies of his two Masters in computer science and business management, he started developing music-related software, which he publishes as Freeware and Shareware on the Internet (

Since 1996 Bomers has created several applications and utilities for the JavaTM platform. In 1999, he joined Tritonus, the independent Java Sound API-based implementation, as key contributor. He is a co-founder of the Java Sound Resources Web site. He shared his know-how in the Java Sound API in various sessions and BOFs at JavaOne conferences since 2000. From 2001 to 2004, he led Java Sound development at Sun Microsystems, Inc. for the J2SE releases 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, and 5.0. Since 2005, he focuses on his own development, for example the products available at

Matthias Pfisterer started programming in 1985. He has worked with sound technologies on the JavaTM platform since early 1998. He has used early versions of the Java Media Framework API, and all public beta releases of the Java Sound API. Pfisterer has developed an application that does randomized multichannel mixing of audio files. In the summer 1999, he initiated the Tritonus project, an open-source implementation of the Java Sound API. He also co-founded the Java Sound Resources Web site, where he publishes the Java Sound Examples for programmers. He held BOFs and sessions at the 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 JavaOneSM conferences. In summer 2003, he did an internship at Sun Microsystems, where he worked on the Java Sound API.